Senin, 07 November 2016

Maybelline Lip Flush Bitten Lip

Pernah dengar atau tahu tentang Maybelline Lip Flush Bitten Lip?


Produk keluaran Maybelline ini berfokus pada hasil lipstrik ombre/gradasi, seperti tren make up Korea. Aku tahu produk ini dari iklan di instagram. Aku beli produk ini seharga Rp 84.150,- dan lagi-lagi beli di sociolla. Aku beli ini bersamaan dengan Maybelline bb cushion yang sudah aku review kemarin. 

Maybelline lip flush bitten lip punya 4 warna, yaitu Strawberry Cheesecake (PK01), Sunset Sorbet  (OR01), Raspberry Smoothie (RD01), Blackberry Cinnamon (RD03). Aku beli warna Blackberry Cinammon (RD-03). Lipstik ini memberikan 3 warna sekaligus dalam 1 produk untuk menampilkan efek ombre. Dari warna paling gelap di bagian tengah hingga warna paling terang di bagian luar sehingga mempermudah kita untuk mendapatkan efek gradasi tersebut.

Aku tertarik dengan lipstik ini karena berpikir hasilnya akan sama dengan laneige two tone lip. Aku belum pernah coba laneige karena harganya lumayan mahal, maybelline ini harganya lebih terjangkau sehingga aku beli lipstik ini. Sayangnya, produk ini tidak sesuai dengan harapan.

Kalau kalian mengharapkan hasil ombre/gradasi yang jelas, lipstik ini tidak memberikan efek itu. Saat awal pemakaian, efek itu mungkin akan terlihat sedikit jelas. Setelahnya, hanya seperti satu warna saja (warna pink). Padahal, warna yang aku pilih sudah warna yang paling gelap. Awal pemakaian pun, harus dioleskan 2-3 kali ke bibir kita baru efek gradasi itu terlihat jelas. Hasil akhir dari lipstik ini adalah warna pink dengan efek lembap.

Bagiku, produk ini mengecewakan. Biaya yang kita keluarkan tidak sebanding dengan hasil yang diharapkan.

Nilai : 3* dari 5*

(+) Kalau kalian suka dengan hasil akhir lipstik lembap, ini cocok untuk kalian.
(-)  Efek ombre yang diharapkan tidak terlihat jelas. Hasil akhir tidak sesuai dengan yang diharapkan, hanya  terlihat seperti memakai lipstik warna pink

Tampilan dalam Maybelline Lip Flush Bitten Lip

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Rabu, 02 November 2016

Maybelline Super BB Cushion

Good morning everyone...

Today, I'm gonna review about Maybelline Super BB Cushion. I know that a lot of people already review this product but I'm still gonna review this. Because I really like this product and I want to share with all of you.

This product has a good coverage with a reasonable price. From all of my cushion, this one has the best coverage so far. I bought this for Rp 195.000,- (about $15) on sociolla and its just arrived yesterday. So, I'm very excited to try this product.

 Front & Back Cover

Maybelline Super BB Cushion has 2 colors, light and natural. I'm using no. 03 natural and match perfectly with my tone. If you have fair skin, use the light one. If you have light-medium skin, you can use the natural one. Unfortunately, they don't have color for medium-dark skin. I don't know why many cosmetic brand don't have color for medium-dark skin. Many of my friend have this kind of problem, so they don't want to buy this product. Because its lighter from their tone and doesn't look good in their skin.

As you can see from picture above, they also give instruction and picture how to use this cushion. So, it's very nice of them don't you think ? :)
This product also has SPF 29 / PA+++, so you don't have to worry if you forget to wear sunscreen. But, I suggest to use sunscreen daily. This cushion is really easy to apply and you just need one push to your cushion and it can cover all of your face. It will cover your acne, scar, redness, etc with just one touch/swap. So, I'm really surprise with its coverage and it still look natural.

This product also said that its give dewy look. But in my case, i don't look dewy at all and it's suit my preference. Not too dewy, not too matte. If you hope that it will give you dewy look like any Korean cushion, they won't give you that. But, if you have same preference as me then you should try this product.

I'll love it if this product include a refill like a lot of cushion does. Also, if this product has higher SPF it will be perfect. Overall, this product is perfect.

Rate : 4 star from 5

(+) Good coverage with good price. It has dewy to matte finish look, that suit for my preference.
(-)  It doesn't include refill and it will be very nice if it has higher SPF.

Inside Maybelline BB cushion

Selasa, 01 November 2016

Soonsoo Star Foundation

Review: Soonsoo Star Foundation

I'm not very familiar with this brand "Soonsoo". I already search for this brand in any search engine but they don't have any information about this brand. But, I'm pretty sure this brand from South Korea.

I know this product from beautylink by sociolla and elevenia (online shop). At first, I think this product is same type as cushion. But I'm wrong, this product is a compact foundation not cushion. I bought this product for Rp 92.100 (about $ 6,8) on elevenia and you will get soonsoo star foundation + refill. So, i think it's really worth to try and i bought it. For current price, elevenia Rp 93.100 ($ 6,9) and beautylink by sociolla Rp 100.320 ($ 7,41).

This product has 2 color, light beige (no. 21) and natural beige (no. 23). I bought no. 23 and match my skin perfectly, my skin are light. If you have fair skin, i suggest no. 21. Because this brand is Korean brand, they tend to have lighter color from normal brand.

For its coverage, its have medium coverage. Its can cover your imperfection but not flawless. If you want a flawless face like Korean actress / idol, then you must use concealer to cover your imperfection (redness, acne, dullness, etc). This product has creamy texture not like other compact foundation. Usually, compact foundation has powder form but this product is creamy. Just like your cream foundation but its has solid form and placed in cushion case.Because its has medium coverage, it good for daily use. This product also have SPF 50+/PA+++. If you forget to wear sunblock when you go out, you don't have to worry because this product already have that.

(+) Good for daily use because its medium coverage.
      Not expensive for compact foundation (just about $ 7, you get foundation + refill)
      Already include sunscreen SPF 50+/PA+++

(-) If you want flawless face, it's need more product than just this product only
     Just have 2 colors and only suitable for fair to light-medium skin (like any Korean product)
 Front & Back cover Soonsoo Star Foundation

 Inside Soonsoo Star Foundation